What is Testosterone Therapy
Testosterone is the male sex hormone that defines you as a man. It is responsible for your libido/sex drive, energy, strength, stamina, mood, cognition and more.
A condition called hypogonadism develops when your body can’t produce enough testosterone. If there’s not enough testosterone to go around, the androgen receptors all over your body and brain stay silent, leading to symptoms like low libido, weak erections and orgasms, inability to build muscle mass, low energy, or just feeling a little blue.
Our physicians offer testosterone therapy to alleviate the symptoms that accompany declining testosterone in males. Testosterone therapy can restore muscle strength and prevent bone loss. Men receiving testosterone replacement therapy may experience an increase in energy, sex drive, erectile function and sense of well-being. Knowledge is power, talk to our providers today about how to get started on creating a new and invigorated you! (hint: it begins with a simple blood test).
Figure Vitality uses Bio-Identical Hormone Pellets for optimal testosterone therapy.
The key benefit of pellet therapy is the sustained and steady release of hormones over an extended period of time (4 to 6 months).